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Showing posts from May, 2016

farewell (Eugene)

No words to express my sadness because he is gone too early; before all our tales told, before all our adventures shared, before all our poetry reworked in the confines of my car. I whisper to him inbetween the  hours,  when the sky is bruised  black&blue, to him,  on the other side...  

Erasure poem I

ultranervously,            in panic, ran away.       The demoralized young man         held on waiting,           biting his nails. chest, shoulders drooped.                 turned away walked off through the gate into the nearest bar,                    for a long time lost                                           

side by side (Eugene)

Poetry brought us together, friendship grew, side by side. I miss a turn or two,  among all our words,  there'll be more, next time. At the end of the evening, he extends his hand to mine, warmth to warmth, good night . He flicks the outside light, I beep in reply, our ritual complete, superstition satisfied, I drive away, believing he is safe inside. Beguiled by this foolery, I would not see him again.